Sunday, February 27, 2011

Recap of life tips 1-5

I just wanted to touch base with how I've been doing with life tips 1-5...

Tip 1: Memorize something everyday
- I started out with trying to learn something interesting...however when I'm studying for my mid-terms 24/7 my brain is all shot from memorizing more. I still remember my interesting facts so far, and as soon as midterms are done on Wednesday, I'm going to start memorizing more interesting facts. Plus it gives me something to impress people with, right? :)

Tip 2: Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions
- I must say, I have had my moments where I have slacked in this tip. Hopefully I can set some time aside on Tuesday to go through some more drawers and organize my things, just in time for spring cleaning!

Tip 3: Develop an endless curiosity for the world
- My anthropology class has helped with this tip a ton! I've had to read a ton of interesting excerpts from famous anthropologists about their travels and studies from all over the world. One of the most important things I have taken away from my class is that we often assume that our individual culture and way of thinking is what everyone else should abide by too (most of the time we are thinking this unconsciously). Culture makes up such a huge chunk of our lives and we often do not even realize it! It's amazing to hear or read about other people and culture's ways of thinking. There is sooo much about the world and culture that I want to learn yet!

Tip 4: Remember People's names
- One of my stronger areas so far...I especially use this tip with my +40 residents that I see day in and day out.

Tip 5: Get fit!
- Along with eating fruits AND veggies at my dinner tonight, I just got done doing a 10 minute yoga session via podcast on iTunes. I've done yoga before, and even took a class last semester, but I always find ways to make excuses and get lost in the craziness of life. Doing yoga really helped stretch my muscles from working out yesterday and it's a great stress reliever.

Tomorrow is going to be a really tough challenge for me, and I can't wait to get started on it. If you want to follow along with the 50 tips, here is the link:

I hope you are able to take just as much out of this as I am. Even though it may seem impossible, accept the challenge. Your body will thank you later :)

Much Love,

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 5: Get Fit (I FINALLY DID IT!)

It feels so great to be back to blogging!!

It's amazing to think that up until a year ago I was extremely fit for the most of my life. I played sports year round through high school, and in college I always made time to work out at the local gym.

Last year was extremely academically tough and challenging for me. This turned into me shifting my schedule around so I could study 24/7...and lose my work out habits. At the time I only weighed 105 pounds, so I thought it couldn't hurt to put on some weight too.

By not working out, I lost my outlet for relieving stress. And when I did have time to go to the gym, I made excuses or would rather take a nap. My eating habits also went downhill...for example just the other day I had 5 pieces of pizza! I've also turned to caffeine for energy, especially pop and Starbucks. I've realized recently just how unhealthy I was treating my body. I did put on some weight, but it was unhealthy weight. My poor eating habits and lack of working out turned into me being more lazy...especially when it came to my sleep.

So, finally today I made time to go to the gym. My boyfriend joined me and it was great to motivate each other while doing our work outs. I realized how much I missed lifting. (I hate running, and biked on occasion.) It was such a rush to feel my body reacting to the weights and my adrenaline go up. So awesome. My plan in the coming weeks and months is to work out every other day for about 40-60 minutes. I work mainly on my arms, and do a few leg workouts but have to be careful because of previous knee injuries. Along with working out, I plan on focusing on my eating habits...exchanging milk or water for pop and making sure I get some fruits and veggies in my diet.

I'm excited to get back into my workout routine and get fit again! (And continue my journey on 50 tips to improving my life!) I hope this can serve as a motivating factor for you or someone you know so you to can bet back into shape--feel free to share any tips or motivation that you may have!

Much Love,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm stuck on Life Tip #5 :(

So my goal when I started this was to work on a new life tip everyday. Well, that's extremely difficult I'm finding out when you're a full time college student, a resident mentor, work 10-18 hours a week, and have to study.

I'm hoping to get to Life Tip #5 this weekend when I need a study break...I have two mid-terms coming up that I'll be studying for so I'll definitely need a break at some point!

I am still keeping up with the previous 4 life tips and I can say that I am very proud of sticking with it.

If you want to keep working on the life-tips yourself and are interested in the website, here is the link:

Feel free to keep working at it and let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on the coming tips :)

Much love,

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 4: Remember People's Names

This has been a tough task for me, mostly since I came to college. You literally are meeting new people by the minute, and to remember all of their names? Shesh, I'm not that good guys!

As a resident assistant the past two years I've had an even harder task. I oversee about 45 female residents for the academic school year. The problem is, they all arrive on the same day and I'm bombarded with names. Not to mention, changing hairstyles and looks!

This past fall I remember specifically two roommates moving in together and they looked like twins. I realized that they had different colored eyes, so that's how I now know them by name. It seems sad that I had to do that, but I need little memorization tricks like that if I'm going to remember +45 names. And if you ask some of my girls, even to this day I'll draw a blank on their name and just pass by with "Hi girls!" rather then saying their name(s).

But remembering people's names isn't just a good thing for your brain--for me it shows a sign of respect and the fact that you were paying attention to the person when they introduced them self. So from now on, I'm going to try and use the persons name more in my initial conversation with the person. For example, repeating their name after saying "thank you _____" or "have a great day ______."

Today's memorization fact: blueberry juice boost memory (how fitting!) Plus it provides a ton of other additional benefits.
I haven't had any detachment from possessions (yet!) and I read an article earlier on how racism is still a huge part of today's world.

TGIF, right?! Enjoy your last day of school or work and SMILE. You made it through another five day week. Do something spontaneous this weekend--cross something off of your bucket list! Simply live (and love) life.

Much love,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3: Develop an undless curiosity for the world

I realize I didn't blog yesterday and I has been crazy lately and I just needed a day away from everything (besides classes). So here goes Day 3...

I began to develop an endless curiosity for the world a long time ago. As a child growing up I was always interested in different cultures and countries, and why people do the things they do. I remember going through my Grandpa Norm's countless number of National Geographic magazines he saved. Everything in those amazed me, the colors, the animals, the people, everything.

When I was 14 years old I traveled to Holland to play basketball for the United State as an ambassador for People to People. Traveling overseas (and on my own!) was such an amazing experience. And I couldn't stop there!

Above: Outside Buckingham Palace with my study abroad group. Summer 2010

Just this past summer I participated in Study Abroad through Michigan State University. I traveled to Ireland, London, and Paris and studied the history of nursing. So. Cool. I can't even describe the experience. I developed relationships with several of the girls that I will never forget; I am proud to call them my best friends. I took in as much as I could and have tons of souvenirs decorating the walls, TV stand, refrigerator, and desk at school. I can't wait to go back and spend more time over in Europe.

Above: Standing in the Irish Sea with my best friends. Summer 2010

Along with my travels so far, I have a ton of more places I want to explore in the coming years. And its not just your typical beautiful, warm vacation spots. I want to see the world. I can't wait to fill my passport up with different countries :)

Besides traveling I also read a lot online about other countries. Right now my go to site is and I've been trying to keep up on the events in Egypt as much as possible.

To live life and not have a curiosity about other cultures, people, and countries is a waste. Each and everyone of us are different, and in order to really honor and respect others we owe it to ourselves to indulge and explore outside of our comfort zone as much as possible.

To touch base on how i'm still doing with the first two tasks:
- Today's interesting fact of the day: 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die throughout the movie.(My boyfriend ought to love this fact!)
- I found some random things in my dresser drawer today, I threw one thing away and put the other back where it belonged :)

So don't just sit back and dream about doing things in your life. Go out and just DO. Be spontaneous, be adventurous, and go outside of your comfort zone. You never know what you may end up doing and how it could change your life :)

Much love,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2: Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions

I'm not one that normally hoards certain things or items...however, my desk drawers tend to get pretty messy with shopping and grocery receipts, letters, books for school, exams, papers, hair ties, staples, you name it, it's in the there!

There are certain shirts and pants that I tend to hold on to longer then normal as well...whether I loved the design, or it fit great, I just can't seem to get rid of some shirts/pants. My closet is extremely organized (by shirt color) so its not that I have a messy closet...I just have A LOT of clothes. When in reality, I wear about 40% of them. So, I did just what the title says--I reduced my attachment. I threw out shirts that were old, had stains or holes, or were just not my size anymore.

Lastly, makeup. Ahhhhh I love makeup. Which is hard because it is so darn expensive. I probably have a total of 8 eye-liners right now and use 2. Go figure. I went through my makeup bag today and tossed out excessively worn eye-shadow, dry mascara, and yes, a few eyeliners that do not work anymore.

So there you have it. Messy drawers, old clothes, and make-up. Not terribly exciting, I'll admit.

And by the way--I remember yesterday's fact, and today's interesting fact of the day issssss:
1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire a strung across the U.S.

Look at that! My brain is already improving its memory :)

Have a great night, say I love you to those most important, take a deep breath and relax, and just live :)

Much Love,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1: Memorize something everyday

Whew, this is the story of my life right now! I'm studying constantly for my classes right now..thank goodness for online flashcards and my flashcard application on my computer! So, rather then just call it good with memorizing psychology, sociology, or anthropology notecards, I found a website with a TON of facts that are mostly interesting.

Today's fact: In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty.

For me, this makes perfect sense. We live in a nation built upon the notions of freedom and liberty. The picture above is so awesome, to see the American Flag and the name "liberty" underneath it. To be able to live in this such a blessing. We are so lucky to have the ability to practice and exercise our freedoms as individuals. Thanks America.

So, pretty sweet, right? The 50 life secret tips website says that by memorizing a fact every day will improve brain functioning and longevity as you get older. I sure hope this holds true!

Ok, successfully completed Day 1, no worries, the coming tasks will get harder :)

- Much Love,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The beginning to a new and improved me!

I saw this website the other day from a friend on facebook, and it really intrigued me. I scrolled through the link casually but really didn't pay to much attention to it.

This got me thinking, am I really living life to the fullest? Am I able to just roll with the punches and enjoy the little things in life? The answer to both of these questions for me was no. While I love my crazy beautiful life, there are still times where I'm not always giving my best or letting every little negative thing pile on me and weigh me down.

So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to follow the 50 life secrets and tips website and each day work on a new secret/tip to improve my own life. The website covers a variety of tips including personal well being, emotional health, physical health, intelligence, and spiritual health.

If you are interested if following the website it is:

I am really excited to get going on this new project of mine, and I hope you all can enjoy it and maybe even read something that you might want to try out in your own life!

Much love,