Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 1: Memorize something everyday

Whew, this is the story of my life right now! I'm studying constantly for my classes right now..thank goodness for online flashcards and my flashcard application on my computer! So, rather then just call it good with memorizing psychology, sociology, or anthropology notecards, I found a website with a TON of facts that are mostly interesting.

Today's fact: In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty.

For me, this makes perfect sense. We live in a nation built upon the notions of freedom and liberty. The picture above is so awesome, to see the American Flag and the name "liberty" underneath it. To be able to live in this such a blessing. We are so lucky to have the ability to practice and exercise our freedoms as individuals. Thanks America.

So, pretty sweet, right? The 50 life secret tips website says that by memorizing a fact every day will improve brain functioning and longevity as you get older. I sure hope this holds true!

Ok, successfully completed Day 1, no worries, the coming tasks will get harder :)

- Much Love,

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