Sunday, February 13, 2011

The beginning to a new and improved me!

I saw this website the other day from a friend on facebook, and it really intrigued me. I scrolled through the link casually but really didn't pay to much attention to it.

This got me thinking, am I really living life to the fullest? Am I able to just roll with the punches and enjoy the little things in life? The answer to both of these questions for me was no. While I love my crazy beautiful life, there are still times where I'm not always giving my best or letting every little negative thing pile on me and weigh me down.

So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to follow the 50 life secrets and tips website and each day work on a new secret/tip to improve my own life. The website covers a variety of tips including personal well being, emotional health, physical health, intelligence, and spiritual health.

If you are interested if following the website it is:

I am really excited to get going on this new project of mine, and I hope you all can enjoy it and maybe even read something that you might want to try out in your own life!

Much love,

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