Sunday, February 27, 2011

Recap of life tips 1-5

I just wanted to touch base with how I've been doing with life tips 1-5...

Tip 1: Memorize something everyday
- I started out with trying to learn something interesting...however when I'm studying for my mid-terms 24/7 my brain is all shot from memorizing more. I still remember my interesting facts so far, and as soon as midterms are done on Wednesday, I'm going to start memorizing more interesting facts. Plus it gives me something to impress people with, right? :)

Tip 2: Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions
- I must say, I have had my moments where I have slacked in this tip. Hopefully I can set some time aside on Tuesday to go through some more drawers and organize my things, just in time for spring cleaning!

Tip 3: Develop an endless curiosity for the world
- My anthropology class has helped with this tip a ton! I've had to read a ton of interesting excerpts from famous anthropologists about their travels and studies from all over the world. One of the most important things I have taken away from my class is that we often assume that our individual culture and way of thinking is what everyone else should abide by too (most of the time we are thinking this unconsciously). Culture makes up such a huge chunk of our lives and we often do not even realize it! It's amazing to hear or read about other people and culture's ways of thinking. There is sooo much about the world and culture that I want to learn yet!

Tip 4: Remember People's names
- One of my stronger areas so far...I especially use this tip with my +40 residents that I see day in and day out.

Tip 5: Get fit!
- Along with eating fruits AND veggies at my dinner tonight, I just got done doing a 10 minute yoga session via podcast on iTunes. I've done yoga before, and even took a class last semester, but I always find ways to make excuses and get lost in the craziness of life. Doing yoga really helped stretch my muscles from working out yesterday and it's a great stress reliever.

Tomorrow is going to be a really tough challenge for me, and I can't wait to get started on it. If you want to follow along with the 50 tips, here is the link:

I hope you are able to take just as much out of this as I am. Even though it may seem impossible, accept the challenge. Your body will thank you later :)

Much Love,

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