Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 3: Develop an undless curiosity for the world

I realize I didn't blog yesterday and I has been crazy lately and I just needed a day away from everything (besides classes). So here goes Day 3...

I began to develop an endless curiosity for the world a long time ago. As a child growing up I was always interested in different cultures and countries, and why people do the things they do. I remember going through my Grandpa Norm's countless number of National Geographic magazines he saved. Everything in those amazed me, the colors, the animals, the people, everything.

When I was 14 years old I traveled to Holland to play basketball for the United State as an ambassador for People to People. Traveling overseas (and on my own!) was such an amazing experience. And I couldn't stop there!

Above: Outside Buckingham Palace with my study abroad group. Summer 2010

Just this past summer I participated in Study Abroad through Michigan State University. I traveled to Ireland, London, and Paris and studied the history of nursing. So. Cool. I can't even describe the experience. I developed relationships with several of the girls that I will never forget; I am proud to call them my best friends. I took in as much as I could and have tons of souvenirs decorating the walls, TV stand, refrigerator, and desk at school. I can't wait to go back and spend more time over in Europe.

Above: Standing in the Irish Sea with my best friends. Summer 2010

Along with my travels so far, I have a ton of more places I want to explore in the coming years. And its not just your typical beautiful, warm vacation spots. I want to see the world. I can't wait to fill my passport up with different countries :)

Besides traveling I also read a lot online about other countries. Right now my go to site is and I've been trying to keep up on the events in Egypt as much as possible.

To live life and not have a curiosity about other cultures, people, and countries is a waste. Each and everyone of us are different, and in order to really honor and respect others we owe it to ourselves to indulge and explore outside of our comfort zone as much as possible.

To touch base on how i'm still doing with the first two tasks:
- Today's interesting fact of the day: 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents that are present and don't die throughout the movie.(My boyfriend ought to love this fact!)
- I found some random things in my dresser drawer today, I threw one thing away and put the other back where it belonged :)

So don't just sit back and dream about doing things in your life. Go out and just DO. Be spontaneous, be adventurous, and go outside of your comfort zone. You never know what you may end up doing and how it could change your life :)

Much love,

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