Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm stuck on Life Tip #5 :(

So my goal when I started this was to work on a new life tip everyday. Well, that's extremely difficult I'm finding out when you're a full time college student, a resident mentor, work 10-18 hours a week, and have to study.

I'm hoping to get to Life Tip #5 this weekend when I need a study break...I have two mid-terms coming up that I'll be studying for so I'll definitely need a break at some point!

I am still keeping up with the previous 4 life tips and I can say that I am very proud of sticking with it.

If you want to keep working on the life-tips yourself and are interested in the website, here is the link:

Feel free to keep working at it and let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on the coming tips :)

Much love,

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