Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 5: Get Fit (I FINALLY DID IT!)

It feels so great to be back to blogging!!

It's amazing to think that up until a year ago I was extremely fit for the most of my life. I played sports year round through high school, and in college I always made time to work out at the local gym.

Last year was extremely academically tough and challenging for me. This turned into me shifting my schedule around so I could study 24/7...and lose my work out habits. At the time I only weighed 105 pounds, so I thought it couldn't hurt to put on some weight too.

By not working out, I lost my outlet for relieving stress. And when I did have time to go to the gym, I made excuses or would rather take a nap. My eating habits also went downhill...for example just the other day I had 5 pieces of pizza! I've also turned to caffeine for energy, especially pop and Starbucks. I've realized recently just how unhealthy I was treating my body. I did put on some weight, but it was unhealthy weight. My poor eating habits and lack of working out turned into me being more lazy...especially when it came to my sleep.

So, finally today I made time to go to the gym. My boyfriend joined me and it was great to motivate each other while doing our work outs. I realized how much I missed lifting. (I hate running, and biked on occasion.) It was such a rush to feel my body reacting to the weights and my adrenaline go up. So awesome. My plan in the coming weeks and months is to work out every other day for about 40-60 minutes. I work mainly on my arms, and do a few leg workouts but have to be careful because of previous knee injuries. Along with working out, I plan on focusing on my eating habits...exchanging milk or water for pop and making sure I get some fruits and veggies in my diet.

I'm excited to get back into my workout routine and get fit again! (And continue my journey on 50 tips to improving my life!) I hope this can serve as a motivating factor for you or someone you know so you to can bet back into shape--feel free to share any tips or motivation that you may have!

Much Love,

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