Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2: Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions

I'm not one that normally hoards certain things or items...however, my desk drawers tend to get pretty messy with shopping and grocery receipts, letters, books for school, exams, papers, hair ties, staples, you name it, it's in the there!

There are certain shirts and pants that I tend to hold on to longer then normal as well...whether I loved the design, or it fit great, I just can't seem to get rid of some shirts/pants. My closet is extremely organized (by shirt color) so its not that I have a messy closet...I just have A LOT of clothes. When in reality, I wear about 40% of them. So, I did just what the title says--I reduced my attachment. I threw out shirts that were old, had stains or holes, or were just not my size anymore.

Lastly, makeup. Ahhhhh I love makeup. Which is hard because it is so darn expensive. I probably have a total of 8 eye-liners right now and use 2. Go figure. I went through my makeup bag today and tossed out excessively worn eye-shadow, dry mascara, and yes, a few eyeliners that do not work anymore.

So there you have it. Messy drawers, old clothes, and make-up. Not terribly exciting, I'll admit.

And by the way--I remember yesterday's fact, and today's interesting fact of the day issssss:
1,525,000,000 miles of telephone wire a strung across the U.S.

Look at that! My brain is already improving its memory :)

Have a great night, say I love you to those most important, take a deep breath and relax, and just live :)

Much Love,

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